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Showing posts from January, 2019

Week 3 Story (David Becomes Danielle)

The history of Danielle is not one unbeknownst to the common folk. Danielle was sort of a legend in her time and her legendary acts would continue to rest in the minds of generation for years to come. But although Danielle had gained the world, she would soon lose her purity and youth. Just as her story climaxes to its greatest power, Danielle is hit with a great temptation: adultery. Lusting. Danielle, a woman considered royalty in her place was proving to be less of a perfect entity in the eyes of anyone who knew of her wrongdoings. She lusted greedily after a man married to another prominent figure. Benjamin was a married man, who Danielle spotted naked on his roof one dreary afternoon. The clouds in close proximity to the earth were no match for her piercing eyes. Danielle stared fervently, forsaking her purity and inviting evil to take up residence in her mind. She stared without much deviance and only stopped when Benjamin returned inside of his home out of view of Danielle. Wh...

Reading Notes (Bible Women-Bathsheba)

This has always been a really interesting story to me. Growing up, I really liked learning about David but often times this portion of his life is skimmed over in private schools in an attempt to shelter the kids or minimize a negative view of such a popular biblical figure. But, Bathsheba was as much a part of his life as Goliath was. I think it's important to bee informed of every part of the stories rather than just the prettiest part. For those of you who might not know, at the time that David was with Bathsheba he was in fact a married man. In the bible, adultery is considered one of the greatest sins. The bible reiterates multiple times that David experienced "love at first sight". Here are some additional facts that I did not know before this read: - Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah, another prominent biblical figure. - Bathsheba ended up pregnant with David's child. - Uriah died. - At that point, Bathsheba wed David. (David and Bathsheba) Bibliogr...

Reading Notes (Noah)

These are stories that I have read before. My dad is a pastor and therefore we grew up hearing these stories and learned a lot about the background surrounding them. Regardless of my previous experiences with the specific story and Noah, I was pleasantly surprised by some of my findings that I have never hear do before. For instance, I did not know of the connection between Noah and Adan and Eve, regardless of their obvious relation, you don;t hear much in Sunday school about how each story is somewhat intertwined into one larger anecdote. For me, being able to connect the dots and go from story to story was really interesting. I actually ended up contacting my dad regarding some of the information I was learning. He says that often times stories like these are simplified in order to make it easier for individuals to understand. Having gone to seminary, all that I told him he already knew but he was still very happy that I was having the opportunity to gain a greater knowledge of some ...

Feedback Thoughts

This is a topic that speaks to me very deeply. My whole life I have been told that I am quite the perfectionist. For me, anything less than perfection can mean failure and that is something that I have grown to despite over the course of my life. I really enjoyed the article that takes about why we fear negative feedback. Negative feedback is something that I have grown to become not only accustomed to but appreciative of. The field and industry that I am in is one that is full of rejection, negativity, and criticism. However, instead of looking at this this criticism as an opportunity for disappointment, I now look at criticism as an opportunity to learn. I will never be perfect and there will always be room to grow, room to expand your knowledge, room to learn more. Criticism, if done correctly and with respect, is a tool that we need in order to kickstart this growth. For me, the first article I looked at was just about defining a perfectionist. Low and behold, I fit almost every ...

Topic Brainstorm

After extensive research, I have gathered four ideas that I am looking forward to potentially doing my storybook over. This was no easy decision and I spent ALOT of time just trying to narrow it down from my originally seven possible ideas. I think I have narrowed it down to the top four and I can't wait to share them with you all. 1. Food (Veggie Tales) This idea instantly caught my eye because it reminded me of a childhood favorite of mine, Veggie Tales. As kids, my siblings and I grew up watching this show an loved the way it incorporated Bible stories into fun, kid-friendly entertainment. But furthermore, from the research I've done. I have seen that vegetables have much more of a history than what I am aware of. I look forward to exploring this history and seeing what information I can share. (The Real Veggie Tales) 2. Bible Couples (Adam and Eve) I think that most people, whether obliged in the specific religion or not, have heard of Adam and Eve. The couple is a...

Week 2 Story (A Man's Defeat)

The trek was lonely and isolating. Only surrounded by a forest of trees. A surprising whisper interrupted his journey. He knew, "I am not alone." The whispers only grew stronger. He peered to his right and saw a wise older woman. The night continued. He was beckoned to sleep by the call of dreams and the promise of rest. When suddenly and with great fright, he heard another woman wail, "My son! My son!" Fearing for his safety but unwilling to out himself in direct harm's way, he decided to tear a small hole in the blanket he was under. Peering through to catch a look. Without warning, he was frightened to hear footsteps steadily approaching his place of rest. He peered through the blanket and was stunned to see the woman in clear light. She was old, adorned with beads and riches. The woman did not hesitate in her gate. Instead she readily approached the man, believing him  to be fast asleep. Slowly, she raised his one foot and and began to cut it with a large, s...

Reading Notes: Week 2, Anthology

I really enjoyed the Supernatural story included on the list. Ghost stories are a common practice in many culture around the world. I am very interested in how these stories connect to each unique culture and how they utilize them to further customs, develop traditions, and educate their youth. This story specifically is about a man fighting a ghost. Not necessarily a common practice, but incredibly interesting, nonetheless. I think including suspense or even horror in stories is a great way to attract a certain audience. Not everyone will enjoy these types of stories but there are always a few devoted individuals who really, really appreciate the horror, thriller, and suspense genre. I'd also light to pay homage to the incredible use of imagery in this story. I think utilization of imagery is important in every genre but using it in horror allows the reader to out themselves into the story. Knowing what the characters are feeling, seeing, smelling, touching, and hearing is a g...

Week 2 Reading Overview

Choose from CLASSICAL and/or BIBLICAL units for Weeks 3 and 4. Week 3: Adam and Eve Week 4: Noah Choose from MIDDLE EASTERN and/or INDIAN units for Weeks 5 and 6. Week 5: Life of the Buddha Week 6: Arabian Nights Choose from ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units for Weeks 7 and 9. [Week 8 is review week.] Week 7: West Africa Week 9: Jamaica Choose from NATIVE AMERICAN units for Weeks 10 and 11. Week 10: Cherokee Week 11: Marriage Tales Choose from BRITISH and/or CELTIC units for Weeks 12 and 13. Week 12: Robin Hood Week 13: Alice in Wonderland Choose from EUROPEAN units for Weeks 14 and 15. Week 14: Italian Week 15: Hans Christian Andersen I love that we have the opportunity to choose our own path of learning. I am very excited for week 7 and 9. Since we were very little my uncle would tell us tales of the Spider Anansi. It has been a while since I have heard these tales told again and I am so excited to dive into those lessons. Additionally, I think it will be very interesting to look i...

Time Strategies

I think one of the most commonly used sentences on a college campus is "I procrastinated." I know I've heard it probably hundreds of times from friends and classmates about assignment due that same evening. For me, procrastination has never really been a problem. I prefer doing things well in advance to ensure that I am not overly-stressed on the night the assignment is due. In order to achieve this, I have come up with a few strategies since being in college. One thing I have done since my freshman year is keep a detailed and up-to-date planner. A lot of people find planners a hassle or even think that people with planners are being too overly-cautious. But, I cannot tell you how many times my planner has saved me from missing an assignment that I forgot about. Additionally, inside my planner, I write down that all of my assignments are due the day before the actual due date. This always ensures that my assignment is done at least 24 hours before it is actually due. Even...

Technology Assignment

The world revolves around the utilization of technology these days. Without it many young people would find themselves without much of the entertainment that we so readily use on a daily basis. Not only is technology a great window for entertainment, but it is also important to keep in mind the potential it has for furthering education. This class is a great example of this. Not only is this an entirely online course, but we are using various types of online forums in order to further our education and success within the class. While I have a lot of experience with blogging from other classes I've taken since being in college, one tool that caught my attention is bookmarking. I love bookmarking. I'm not sure if my habit of bookmarking almost everything I've come across on the internet is healthy or is beginning to turn into a full blown addiction. Nevertheless, bookmarking is the perfect way to ensure that you can easily find what you were once looking at online. Before dis...

Assignment Thoughts

This class is so unique! I have never been so challenged in my writing and it's only been one week. I find that assignment after assignment I am having to dig a little deeper into my thoughts and expand my ability to write clearly. As college students it is difficult to truly find a class that you are excited to take and anxious to dive into. As a junior, I had not necessarily found a class that fit this criteria until this specific course. I am really looking forward to the readings for this class as well as the discussions that will be able to take place afterwards. Additionally, I can't wait to visit my peers blogs, read of their thoughts, and engage in conversations about their lives. Write on!

Growth Mindset

Before this assignment, I had never heard of Growth Mindset. However, the more I watched and read, the more interested I became in the concepts. I have a deep passion for learning and try my best everyday to be intentional about not only receiving the information in my classes but also using it to "grow" or deepen my overall understanding of life. It is important to me that whatever I learn here at OU, I am able to take with me for the entirety of my life after I graduate. However, I think at times everyone can fall into having a fixed mindset. As much as I try and be alert and aware in class. I do occasionally find myself falling into a fixed pattern of merely getting the information only for the grade, especially in classes that I have limited interest in. It is not always correct and unfortunately, it is often the cause of missed information or even forgotten assignments on some occasions. One of the things we were taught growing up was the importance of expanding on o...

Introduction to an Actress...

I thought it was about time that I got around to properly introducing myself. My name is Lauryn but most of my friends and family only refer to me as Laur. I am 21 years old and a junior in college (woohoo!). My hobbies include working out, playing with my puppy, singing, playing the piano and guitar, and playing soccer. For me, where I am is a huge testament to how far I’ve come. Life hasn’t always been so easy and I have not always known whether I would make it this far. I was a very healthy child. An extremely athletic competitive soccer player who was on the brink of breaking into the Olympic scene. No really…It was 2012 and I had just received my second invite to join the Junior Olympics Women’s Soccer League where I would have to move across the globe to Australia with my trainers and coach and begin a life away from everything I’d ever known. The first time I had politely declined, much to the chagrin of my parents and coaches. But now,  I was 14 years old and already had ...

Storybook Favorites

So many of the storybooks I reviewed were excellent and it was quite difficult for me to narrow it down to only three. But nevertheless, here they are: Number 1:  This is a completely new topic for me but one that intrigues me instantly upon reading the introduction. The storybook talks deeply about the Sunlight's Reflection and how it is viewed as a window or mirror for both gods and humans. The introduction effortlessly connects the gods to nature. It paints a clear image of the relation and concrete friendships that marry gods to oceans, planted, and animals. It speaks of many gods and goddesses including the God of Air and Goddess of Clouds. The introduction is sure to grab readers attention as it employs an anecdotal approach rather than a more simplistic factual debut. For me, this is what worked to grab me initially. In terms of the layout of the storybook itself it is clear, concise, and easy to navigate. I highly recommend checking this one out. Number 2:  I w...

My Favorite Places...

        This is a hard one for me. I had to rack my brain for a while in order to actually come up with one concrete answer. What is my favorite place? And more importantly: why is it my favorite place? My whole life has been marked by one thing: change. We never stayed in one place for too long. Always roamed like nomads from city to city, state to state. So for me, I learned to never become fully attached to places or sometimes even people. Don't get me wrong. I, unlike most children, loved moving. I loved experiencing different places, different people, different cultures. So my heart never necessarily ached for the simplicity that comes with a life in the same place. I loved the nomadic life as did my parents and siblings. But every once in a while in every place I lived I would allow myself to find My Place. Yes, it's capitalized. Yes, I have decided in my mind that My Places are actual proper nouns that deserve actual capitalization. So here it goes. A breakdow...