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Introduction to an Actress...

I thought it was about time that I got around to properly introducing myself. My name is Lauryn but most of my friends and family only refer to me as Laur. I am 21 years old and a junior in college (woohoo!). My hobbies include working out, playing with my puppy, singing, playing the piano and guitar, and playing soccer. For me, where I am is a huge testament to how far I’ve come. Life hasn’t always been so easy and I have not always known whether I would make it this far. I was a very healthy child. An extremely athletic competitive soccer player who was on the brink of breaking into the Olympic scene. No really…It was 2012 and I had just received my second invite to join the Junior Olympics Women’s Soccer League where I would have to move across the globe to Australia with my trainers and coach and begin a life away from everything I’d ever known. The first time I had politely declined, much to the chagrin of my parents and coaches. But now,  I was 14 years old and already had my entire career laid out before me. Things were good and I felt great. I was ready to go. 

(The Junior Olympics is a sort of prerequisite to the actual Olympics. You train with the same coaches and trainers but due to age restrictions are not allowed to actually compete in the Olympic Games themselves.) 

Not everything goes to plan. That is a phrase that has proved itself to be tried and true throughout the entirety go my life. That same year, my brother passed away. It was unexpected and devastating. We were broken and confused. So I did what I always do, I hid myself in my work. Played harder than I’ve ever played, steered clear of my home and went to extra trainings, conditionings, practices. Anything that could keep me from having to face our home that he was no longer in. I ran and ran and ran until I couldn’t anymore. 

At the beginning of 2012, I noticed strange dizzy spells that would come and go. I pushed them aside just attributing it to a new medication my coaches had suggested I begin taking in order to keep my electrolytes up. Electrolytes…no big deal. Almost every athlete has dealt with the effects of low electrolytes. It was normal and I wasn’t worried. I didn’t want to tell my parents. They were already dealing with so much. And so I just kept running. Kept going. Kept training. Until one day, in a workout, the dizziness became a little too much. The next thing I know, I’m waking up with machines beeping and chords attached to my body. No one knew what had happened. All we were told was my blood pressure was dangerously low and my heart rate was dangerously high. They said that I needed to be transported to a hospital where they could work to fix it. And so I went…for six weeks. I was constantly being tested for disease after disease. During this time, I started having seizures. Before the doctor’s said it I knew. 

I knew that the doctors were speaking but all I could hear was mumbling. I was there, in the same room, but couldn’t hear a single world. I was able to pick out a few phrases however…”Paraneoplastic Syndrome”…”Cancer”…”Dysautonomia”…”Gastroparesis”…”No more soccer”. That’s all I heard. That’s all I knew. That and whatever information I could find on WebMD. I knew I was sick. I knew I was hurt. I knew that my soccer career was over. And I was devastated. In a hospital room. Surrounded by white walls and a constant steady beep that would occasionally speed up unexpectedly, crying in hallways, and blank hospital food. These walls became my home for a long time. 

When I was released I fought for a long time to be outside of my body. This new body…the one riddled with disease and pain was nothing like the old, strong, athletic body I knew and loved. I wanted to trade it back in. Get my old car back. Not this broken one. I wanted to be somewhere else, someone else. 
And all of a sudden, it kind of just fell into my lap. Acting. A passion I didn’t know I had or needed. It was the best thing to ever happen to me. The brightest light I’ve ever known. A close family friend was a producer and happened to ask me to audition for a show she was working on. It traveled across the country and I would even get paid. A big plus for me. So, I did it. Why not, right? I had nothing to lose. But, I got the part. And I gained the world. I gained a way to be outside of my body for a moment. To play a character who didn’t know me. Didn’t feel the pain I felt. Didn’t know the disappointment and abandonment I knew. On that stage, looking into that audience I was free. I was able to share my heart with those watching. To lay down my insecurities and pick up someone else’s. It was the most beautiful release. And I needed it. I continued to act all throughout high school. Auditioning in and outside of school. Performing show after show, picking up character after character. And I was joyful. More joyful than I’ve ever been in my entire life. More joyful than soccer had ever made me. Somehow, I had found my passion. In the darkest time of my life I had found my brightest light. Acting saved me. It saved me. And it always will. And I can’t wait. Not everything goes to plan. And I am so grateful the it doesn't. 

My family is amazing. Believe me. The best in the world. The hospital is a boring place. But they make it so great every single time I'm admitted. You can see just how great they are in the pictures below:

(Pictures by Stacy McCardell)


  1. Hi, Lauryn!

    Wow, you have such a unique background story! I think it's really great that you were able to find a new passion in acting. You also have a talent for writing! I think the way you described why you love acting really helped me to understand your passion for it, even if it's a passion that I don't really share.

    One thing we have in common is being a junior at OU! I'm definitely starting to feel the beginnings of senioritis, but I think we got this. Good luck this semester!

  2. Hi Lauryn!

    First off, let me say that your story is amazing. You must be really strong to endure so much with such a positive attitude. I have never been good at sports so the fact that you were qualified for the junior olympics is incredible. I am glad you were able to find a new passion in acting. I was in shows when I was in ballet but that is as far as I got. I also want to say that your writing style is really captivating and I cannot wait to see some of the stories you write in this class. Good luck with your semester!

  3. Hey Lauryn. Woah. You have really been given quite a tumultuos set of cards so far. I am so thankful that you were able to land in a place where you could still find passion and dedication so early. Acting is a pretty magical thing. Not everyone understands it, but it is pretty shocking how much you explore within yourself in an activity of presenting yourself as another. In order to be a great actor you must have a hold on who you are, otherwise it adds to inauthenticity. Something tells me that is not a problem for you. Break a leg these next couple months and long after.

  4. Hello, Lauryn!

    I cannot believe all that you have had to go through and I am incredibly impressed with your strength and positive attitude! Your family is beautiful and strong and I am so happy that you had them beside you during that horrible experience! I think it is so cool that you found a new passion in acting and that it has helped you through everything you have been going through. You are clearly an extremely talented person and I look forward to reading the stories that you create this semester!

    Good luck with your last few semesters of college and beyond!

  5. Oh my gosh, Lauryn: what a story! As soon as you mentioned your brother, my heart went out to you (my brother died shortly after I moved to Oklahoma... it still hurts to think about that time) -- but then to spiral from that into all this other pain and drama: building a new life is hard, but trying to build a life with a new body that is not cooperating, having to rely on inner strength when physical strength is letting you down: wow. I am so glad that you have made your journey this far and that it brought you to acting at OU! I wonder if creative writing in this class can provide some of that performance magic... I've never tried acting, but I sure do like losing myself in the words and thoughts and actions of characters in a story that I write. And when you lose yourself in something creative, you never know what you will find! Yay for acting, and for writing too! :-)

  6. Hey, Lauryn!

    Wow, that's quite a backstory -- much more complex than mine. I'm impressed that you're able to remain as positive and optimistic as you do! Carol Dweck and the ol' Growth Mindset would be proud. I'm glad that you've been able to find something that makes you so happy and I wish you the best of luck with it!

  7. Hi Lauryn,

    I can tell already that your storytelling is going to be captivating this semester. You completely drew me into your life as I read through your story, and what a story it is. You are so correct about how not everything goes to plan. Life leads us on quite a journey, and I am so glad that through the pain you have been able to find passion in your life. Best of luck this semester!

  8. Hi Lauryn!

    Your incredible storytelling ability is already being shown through your introduction. You have such an inspiring story, and it was a delight to read. I'm glad that you were able to find multiple things about which you were passionate. You're so fortunate to have passions that you can pour yourself into. I'm so glad that you're with us this semester.

  9. Hi Lauryn,

    Reading from your introduction I can tell that you are really strong and an incredible human being. Congratulations on being in your Junior year. You know, life has a way of always being unexpected, it's all about how you handle it. I am happy that you found a passion for acting, that's really cool.

    Look forward to reading your stories throughout your semester.


  10. Hi there Lauryn!

    Wow, your story is incredible. I really admire what a positive person you are, even in the face of so many unexpected challenges. I'm so glad that you were able to find your true passion, and that acting has been that emotional outlet that you needed. It's awesome that your family has been such a wonderful support network for you. Good luck this semester, and I look forward to reading your stories!


  11. Lauryn!

    I love how even with a doozy of a background story like you have, you still found a way to follow your passion! I am a senior myself and know how fun Junior year can be! You are so close to your final year its scary though!

    Good luck on this next semester!

  12. Hey Lauryn,

    That is quite a personal story you have there! I am sure that those dark times had to be really scary for you, but it is awesome that you had such a great support system there to pick you up when you were feeling low. I am glad you are here to share your experiences with us, and I hope you enjoy your last few semesters of undergrad!

    Good luck,

  13. Hey Lauryn! Your story sounds to very trying and harsh, and I am so sorry that this all happened to you, but I am so happy you had a great system of support to help you through it! I am glad you are safe enough with your story that you trust us to hear it, and it means a lot! Keep being unapologetically you! Let me know if you ever need anything. Have a great rest of the semester!

  14. Hi Lauryn,
    My heart goes out to you for all of your loss. From what I have read, you sound like an amazing woman, strong, brave, creative, and passionate. I am glad you were able to turn to music and acting when times got tough, and I wish you tons of fame and success. I think the hardest lives build the strongest characters and I am sure you will achieve wonderful things in you life.
    Wishing you and your family the best,
    Your classmate.

  15. Lauryn,

    Thank you for sharing your touching story with us. It’s takes a special kind of person to go through what you have and still come out stronger for it. I’m sorry you have had such a challenging life already, but I hope you continue to make the most of whatever situation life puts you in.

    Wishing you all the best as we take this course together.

    -Lance J.

  16. Lauryn,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story as it really shows how strong you really are. I feel like your trails thus far have made you into the amazing person that you are. I actually have a sister that wanted to play soccer in the Olympics, but she was never even close to as good as it sounds like you were. It was really cool to get to know you and I hope you have a great rest of the semester.

  17. Hey there Lauryn,
    This was a really touching story and I am so glad that you were open to sharing It. You are definitely stronger coming out of what you have been through now. But I know that those time have only made you stronger and will enable you to take any situation you run into by the horns. I cant wait to read some of your stories!

  18. Hey Lauryn!
    Wow, what an introduction! You are so strong and your testimony is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing. From that, I think you can take on anything. I am so happy you have suh a great support system! I hope you continue to thrive and have a great rest of the semester!

  19. Hello, Lauryn!

    I am not going to lie; I was really not expecting your introduction to take the turn it did. I admire your willingness to preservere despite your many devastating losses. I am glad that you have found something else to replace soccer. I would love to see you act – I am sure you are great at it!

  20. Hey Lauryn!

    I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get to your introduction and learn a little bit about you. I was inspired by your story because you showed that when going through such a life changing event, a positive attitude and an ability to roll with the punches goes a long way. Thank you so much for sharing your background. Good luck with wrapping up the semester!


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